Intuitive Counseling

The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact is that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.
–CG Jung

The essence of intuitive counseling is ceremony: invoking the sacred, creating space in which whatever is needed can arise, and in which anything can happen.

Intuitive counseling is available in person (Anchorage) or by voice or videoconference, and focus on resolving the residual patterns that often underly relationship problems, chronic and recurring physical ailments, shame and problematic self narratives, feelings of stuckness or obstruction, difficulty clarifying life path and purpose, and many other physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual concerns that can remain unresolved despite years of work with other methods and therapies.

These lingering energetic dynamics–often stemming from personal and intergenerational trauma, grief, and unresolved past life or ancestral experiences–may once have held a protective function, but can become constricting or limiting, now no longer serving the greater good.

Intuitive counseling draws on a range of methods and skillsets, including:

  • Intuitive & spiritual guidance
  • Past life exploration & imaginal process
  • Subtle energy medicine & qigong
  • Inner ceremony and trance work
  • Communication with ancestors, allies, and benign entities
  • Dreamwork
  • Meditation
  • Gemstone and crystal medicine
  • And other intuitive, depth, somatic, and energy work

Specific approaches vary from person to person and from session to session. Through a broad emphasis on deepening trust in one’s own perceptions and inner guidance, depthwork holds the intention of moving into greater alignment with one’s sense of purpose and meaning, and shifting spiritual, somatic, emotional, and energetic obstacles to fulfillment of one’s life path, work, relationships, and sense of self.

Sessions are typically an hour, or may also be incorporated with acupuncture and/or psychotherapy visits. If you’re planning to visit from outside the Anchorage area, please feel free to inquire about intensives and extended sessions.

For questions or to schedule an appointment please email or call 907-297-8590.