Dr. Michael Aanavi . Psychotherapy . Acupuncture. Intuitive Counseling . Anchorage, Alaska

Clinical Psychologist . Licensed Acupuncturist . 907.297.8590
The Origin Node

The Origin Node: Energetics Beyond Trauma

Apparently I’m writing again.

It’s not really up to me—it’s a kind of calling forth, perhaps even a compulsion, but from somewhere or something else, from some source of insight that has wisdom beyond my capacity, that requires me to both humble myself and speak up at the same time. I suppose I could resist; rather, I’ve been resisting, but despite my attempts at avoidance resistance is futile, and more importantly, miserable.

The Origin Node is a point of departure for discussion of the energetics of trauma in all its forms: personal, ancestral, political, karmic. Trauma is, in essence, a disorder of energy, and the Origin Node represents the intention to embody a vibrational shift away from conventional notions of trauma and ideas of healing; what exactly this means will become clear as it becomes clear(er) to me—this is a process, not a thesis, and it will go where it needs to go, clinical, personal, esoteric, and otherwise, however tangential that might appear.

Some of you know that my book, The Trusting Heart: Addiction, Recovery, and Intergenerational Trauma (2012), was written in the form of weekly blog posts that were later edited into a loosely cohesive text. I’m aware that the practice of blogging is largely passé, but I lack the discipline to sit down and write consistently without some form of self-imposed pressure—I need some kind of deadline or I’ll just watch cooking shows on YouTube on my phone and wonder where my time went—and this format gives me just enough structure and accountability to get things done. I wish I could commit to weekly posts, but my life these days is full-tilt householder reality, in Zorba’s words, ‘the full catastrophe,’ so as far as frequency is concerned we’ll just have to see.

Frequency. That’s really what I’ll be writing about: wavelength, energetic signature, vibration. Stay tuned.

Whatever insights are offered are coming through me, with my gratitude for the availability of insight beyond my own field of view. What will follow in coming weeks is what I’m being shown, being offered, as a way through ordinary notions of post-traumatic resolution and healing, toward energetics beyond trauma.